Thursday, July 10, 2008

Karl Rove has been declared illegal. Commence bombing.

Just when Congressional Democrats had finally started to question the wisdom of having political operatives work out of the White House solely for partisan purposes but nonetheless collecting a taxpayer funded salary, Karl Rove emerged from his crypt under a rock, beneath the bottom of a barrel, to remind everyone that yes, he is an amoral piece of shit. Thanks for asking.
Former White House adviser Karl Rove defied a congressional subpoena and refused to testify Thursday about allegations of political pressure at the Justice Department, including whether he influenced the prosecution of a former Democratic governor of Alabama.
They apparently had the nerve to ask him to come in officially and answer questions under oath. Karl wanted to chat “informally” about the U.S. Attorney purge scandal, not under oath, and with no transcript or official record of the discussion. Y'know, conditions that would assure he'd tell the truth.

Citing God knows what, Turdblossom's lawyer argued that the Rover “is immune from compelled Congressional testimony” and that while Karl was certainly above the law, there remained a chance that when provided with sufficient weaponry, Karl Rove IS THE LAW. Citing the precedent of "kiss his white ass" and "because I said so", Rove isn't going to testify under any circumstance where he can be prosecuted for the massive lies he'll have to tell to avoid prosecution for the massive crimes he's committed.

It remains up to the Judiciary committee and the Speaker to pursue contempt charges, but things look good on that front as Speaker Pelosi is amassing armies of gay, San Francisco communists with San Francisco values to apprehend Rove, while Judicial chairman John Conyers already went on the record stating “We’re closing in on Rove. Someone’s got to kick his ass.”

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