Thursday, July 17, 2008

Barack Obama is behind you, reading this right now

From Salon: Barack Obama's super marketing machine
You know, of course, that Obama has your e-mail address. You may not have realized that he probably also has your phone number and knows where you're registered to vote -- including whether that's a house or an apartment building, and whether you rent or own. He's got a decent estimate of your household income and whether you opened a credit card recently. He knows how many kids you're likely to have and what you do for a living. He knows what magazines and catalogs you get and whether you're more apt to get your news from cable TV, the local newspaper or online. And he knows what time of day you tend to get around to plowing through your in box and responding to messages.
Turn's out Barack Obama's got a pretty sophisticated voter outreach and fund raising operation. In addition to all that, they catalog then critique your itunes library, rate your friends based on looks, watch you go to the bathroom, and measure pupil dilation when reading campaign literature to rank you on a 1-10 Ba-rock Star scale. 1 is a 'Hillary', 10 is that guy down the hall that changed his middle name to "Hussein".

This is of course different than the McCain model. McCain just sends out pictures of weeping eagles in front of the twin towers with a spot where you can fill in your bank account number. He also grovels to George Bush to go raise money for him and collects tip money bartending at Dick Cheney's monthly get togethers at his island lair. They have also been known to grab you by the ankles and shake you until all the change falls out of your pocket, but only at rallies.

Maybe this is why Obama rakes in $52 million from small donors while McCain has to break the law.

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