Monday, July 21, 2008

No God: Sean Hannity edition

Dogs have money. You do not. Professional liars and full-time cretins have money too. There is no God.

Fresh off the backs of Rush Limbaugh's half a billion deal, sneering hairdo Sean Hannity gets $100 million to invent worlds of fantasy so fanciful and imaginative that he'd make J.R.R. Tolkien throw down his pens and paper in awe. Of note: if you conduct your self with 100 times more integrity than Sean Hannity (not hard, it basically involves not pushing people in front of buses) you will never begin to approach earning that sum of money.

My plan? I'm moving to Wyoming and getting a AM radio show. On it I will rail against liberals because they hate sorghum and want cattle to get gay married and perform abortions. I feel within five years I will be a millionaire, have a show in development for Fox, and no one will call me on all my crazy bullshit. Not even when I claim autism is a scam.

Matthew Vicious? Matthew Liberalhater? Fuck it, I'll come up with the name later.

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