Friday, July 25, 2008

Mukasey says jump. Democrats must not have heard him.

Mocking Mukasey

On Wednesday Attorney General Michael Mukasey proclaimed that Congress needed to enact a new law governing how courts should handle legal challenges from detainees. That such a law should contain provisions that "should bar the disclosure of classified evidence in the detainees' habeas proceedings, prohibit the detainees from being brought into a U.S. courtroom for hearings." Mukasey even waved around the possibility that failure to do so would mean that detainees would be released on the streets of Anytown, USA free to terrorize the Walmart and take the swing set of your kid's playground by force.

This display, otherwise known as the mating display of the bushus legalus horribilus whereupon they display their asshole and expect you to jam your face in for a whiff, was typical and to be expected. What was unexpected was the Democrats, perhaps not hearing him or possibly being too tired from caving over telcom immunity to so quickly cave again, didn't do anything. In fact they dismissed and were openly hostile to the idea. The Adjudicator Pat Leahy stated "The courts have a long history of considering habeas petitions and of handling national security matters, including classified information. The administration made this mess by seeking to avoid judicial review at all costs, causing years of delay and profound uncertainty."

Dear God, a cogent analysis of the situation then a refusal to act based on solid legal reasons and precedent. We're in uncharted waters here. What happened to the Democrats? Bush said jump. 'How high' is the response. HOW HIGH. I offer tentative, confused hand clapping and hope you accidentally take this line of action some time in the future.

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