Thursday, July 31, 2008

Bush ordered to follow subpoena law

Judge: White House Aides Can Be Subpoenaed
WASHINGTON — President Bush's top advisers are not immune from congressional subpoenas, a federal judge ruled Thursday in an unprecedented dispute between the two political branches.

The House Judiciary Committee wants to question the president's chief of staff, Josh Bolten, and former legal counsel Harriet Miers, about the firing of nine U.S. attorneys. But President Bush says they are immune from such subpoenas. They say Congress can't force them to testify or turn over documents.

U.S. District Judge John Bates disagreed, saying there's no legal basis for that argument and that Miers must appear before Congress. If she wants to refuse to testify, he said, she must do so in person.
Yeah, the Bush Administration done got told that it had to follow the actual law, not the law as they wished it. This seems to be some sort of a pattern: claim some vast new illegal power, claim its totally legal and that furthermore you are able to bend steel girders with your super strength, get sued by liberals who at this point have repetitive stress disorders from eye rolling and shoulder shrugging, refuse to show up while brandishing your brightly colored baboon ass to the country, be told by judge that you are crooked liars making claims with no basis in reality.

Now the liars get to be marched two by two into an ark and sailed over to the House, where they will give vague dissembling answers that fail to answer simple questions, stall for time, deliberately misunderstand simple questions, and hopefully start pleading the fifth, confirming that yeah they need to be screwed into their pants every morning. Ideally this and the Rove contempt vote would lead to the sound of the scurrying of rats as they slit each others throats in an attempt to avoid jail time. But nothing of the sort will happen, everyone will fuck around at the House, nothing will really get answered, no one will do time for breaking the law, and nothing will really get accomplished. Like always.

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