Friday, July 25, 2008

We must defy the UN to show the UN cannot be defied

While the final year of the Bush Administration has seen its ups (the death of the 4th Amendment, DC v. Heller) and downs (the pending mortgage bailout bill, deteriorating conditions in Afghanistan, Maliki's endorsement of Obama's Iraq plan, bad dancing), one constant has been humor. Mostly unintentional humor, to be sure, but humor nonetheless.

The latest example is Bush's explanation today of why he has expanded US sanctions against Zimbabwe after failing to secure UN approval of similar measures two weeks back.
“No regime should ignore the will of its own people and calls from the international community without consequences,” Mr. Bush said in a statement that accompanied an executive order expanding the American sanctions.
We now have good reason to believe Bush's speechwriters are just fucking with him. And to those ballsy satirists, we say thank you.

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