Wednesday, July 23, 2008

HuckPAC's "Vertical Day," CliffsNotes Version

Mike Huckabee is hosting another "Vertical Day" over at his website, HuckPAC. The plan is to gather eight conservative candidates and let them blog about the issues of the day. Great idea, sure, and we applaud the accessibility, but does anyone believe that Elizabeth Dole, Lamar Alexander, or Bob Clegg have anything new to say?

TB thinks it our civic duty to go ahead and summarize the answers provided by the candidates. Before they actually provide them. In fact, we've even gone that extra mile and broken all responses down into lettered categories. Below you'll find the questions Huckabee plans to ask, along with the aggregate responses from the candidates.

Answer Key:
A: Privatization
B: Elimination
C: Increase tax breaks to the corporations who basically write the policy.

-How would you control spending in Washington?
B (the federal government, that is)

-How would you make America energy independent?

-What would you do to improve our education system?

-What would you do to improve our health care system?

-What sort of tax reform do you think America needs to boost our economy?
B (taxes, that is.)

-What steps would you take to promote conservation and good stewardship of the environment?
A+C. Failing that, B (the environment, that is.)

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