Saturday, July 19, 2008

Saturday News Hole -- 7.19.08

Welcome to a new feature of These Bastards, one aimed at rescuing stories from the Friday news dump. While the effects of the Feiler Faster Thesis have mitigated some of the damage traditionally done by burying unsavories in the Saturday newspaper, we figured, why take a chance? In short, we read the news on Saturday so you don't have to. Consider your content aggregated.

Gone Grammy Gone
Phil Gramm waited until the sun went down yesterday before resigning his post as a co-chair of McCain's presidential campaign and limping back to the acid-filled bog from whence he came.

Iran still won't budge
World: Seriously, Iran, could you stop enrichment? Please?
Iran: Ummm... no.

Libertarians on Ohio Ballot
The Libertarian Party had to rely on a court ruling to gain a spot on Ohio's presidential ballot. Read that last sentence again.

Obama makes first trip to Afghanistan
The Secret Service has stolen Barack Obama and they're not telling anyone where he is.

U.S. Is Alone in Rejecting All Evidence if Police Err
Turns out America is rather unique in its tendency to reject evidence obtained through unconstitutional means. But not if Scalia has anything to say about it.

X.M.-Sirius Vote Hangs on New Conditions
The impending satellite radio monopoly has hit another regulatory snag.

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