Tuesday, July 1, 2008

But what of Bill Gates?

The tax policy debate rages on.

Hank Adler sees a problem. He wants us to feel sorry for some tragically put upon people. You see that nasty Barack Obama has a plan to roll back the Bush tax cuts on the top 1% to pay for stuff like universal health care. Big Bank Hank wants us to feel sorry for all the poor millionaire athletes who will have to pay higher taxes for our universal health care. Like Tiger Woods, the guy who will be the first billion dollar athelete, Hank Steinbrenner, the idiot manchild who runs possibly the largest sports franchise in the world purely on the merit of falling out of the right vagina, and Alex Rodriguez, the highest paid playoff choke artist in baseball. Boo. Hoo.

At least Adler had the decency to not decry the smaller yachts they'd have to buy or the tragic downturn in the ivory backscratcher market. Here's a tip Hank, if you want people to care more about tax policy, don't ask them to feel sorry for athletes. We never do. Hell, we side with even richer guys and large conglomerations against athletes during strikes and labor lockouts. We don't care about their W-2.

Just one question: Can we start making them pay now? Shit, how about beating them with sticks if they don't cough it up immediately. I might have some sort of debilitating (mental) illness that will cause me to declare bankruptcy so I don't get thrown into debtor's prison. I weep for no billionaire. I need health care. Shit, I don't care if it isn't health care we get out it, I'll settle for free itunes downloads, discount gin, or a tank of gas. Fuck A-Rod. CLASS WAR!

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