Thursday, November 13, 2008

Yes, shit clouds

I can't see my hut from here.

The image above is not my most recent lung scan. No, it is a satellite image of the giant clouds of vaporized shit that hover above southeast Asia.
BEIJING — A noxious cocktail of soot, smog and toxic chemicals is blotting out the sun, fouling the lungs of millions of people and altering weather patterns in large parts of Asia, according to a report released Thursday by the United Nations.
On the bright side, once our stupid fucking economy completely collapses, so too will our ability to bulk purchase cheap shit manufactured in Chinese factories that treat the surrounding ecosystem like a two-bit whore. So there's an upside.

Separate but related: Take fifteen minutes and head over to, where you can create a personalize energy consumption tracking program and do your part to perhaps kill the planet a little more slowly.

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