Monday, November 17, 2008

Bailout Accounting

You poor naive bastards. You really thought the bailout was just $700 billion? Oh no, according to CNBC the total payout is closer to $4.28 trillion. $4,284,500,000,000 to be exact. 68% of that sum is under the purview of the Fed, while 16% is being used in the Treasury Asset Relief Program (TARP), while the remaining 16% is being bet on horses and being used to fortify buses and vans with appropriate armor and weaponry to dominate the streets and subjugate the teeming masses in the upcoming food riots.

It's a shame we elected one of those tax and spend liberals instead of one of those fiscal conservatives. We'd be out of this in no time. Unfortunately President Obama will have to sell large swaths of this country to the Chinese. Sorry Middle America, Hu Jintao owns you know. I hope you like dog beds with your names on them. That's where you will sleep now.

Below the jump there's a handy chart to know exactly where your money is being squandered.

Government EntitySum in Billions of Dollars
Federal Reserve

(TAF) Term Auction Facility900

Discount Window Lending
Commercial Banks99.2
Investment Banks56.7
Loans to buy ABCP76.5
Bear Stearns29.5
(TSLF) Term Securities Lending Facility225
Swap Lines613
(MMIFF) Money Market Investor Funding Facility540
Commercial Paper Funding Facility257

(TARP) Treasury Asset Relief Program700

(FHA) Federal Housing Administration300
Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac350


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