Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Chuck Norris on Prop 8

Not Gay

Chuck Norris, from his new post over on Townhall with other intellectual heavyweights like Hugh Hewitt, Dennis Prager and Ann Coulter, decided to pontificate on Prop 8. His black belt conservative thesis: gays should shut up and take it, right schmights.
First, there’s the obvious inability of the minority to accept the will of the majority. Californians have spoken twice, through the elections in 2000 and 2008. Nearly every county across the state (including Los Angeles County) voted to amend the state constitution in favor of traditional marriage.

Nevertheless, bitter activists simply cannot accept the outcome as being truly reflective of the general public. So they have placed the brainwashing blame upon the crusading and misleading zealotry of those religious villains: the Catholics, evangelical Protestants, and especially Mormons, who allegedly are robbing the rights of American citizens by merely executing their right to vote and standing upon their moral convictions and traditional views.
There were many of us who passionately opposed Obama, but you don’t see us protesting in the streets or crying “unfair.” Rather, we are submitting to a democratic process and now asking how we can support “our” president.

First off Chuck, and I don't know if this is an easy thing to pick up breaking boards and kicking concrete blocks, people don't really respond well to the denial of basic civil rights with a well timed "get over it." They also don't tend to said denial with a shoulder shrug and a "Well if the majority doesn't want us to have basic rights, then I guess it's OK." Giving the majority what it wants no matter what isn't the principle this country was founded on, it was protecting the minority from the tyranny of the majority. At least that's what we pretended when blacks and women got their day in the sun.

Secondly, stripping a group of people from basic rights and protections and refusing to recognize their relationships as valid isn't the same thing as the guy you wanted not getting elected. That's a whole different kind of savate kick. Furthermore, if the religious groups that spent tens of millions of dollars to codify discrimination into the California State Constitution didn't want any blowback, protests, or boycotts from their involvement, well then they shouldn't have stuck their millions into the fight to strip people of rights. Some people just weren't going to like being revoked to second class status and some of those people were going to blame the Mormon church who provided half the donations to Pro-Prop 8 groups and decided to meddle one state over. That's part of a Democracy too, Chuck. Try and think about that when you're doing the DVD commentray for Walker, Texas Ranger Season 17. Then maybe pontificate on how getting mad over people getting mad over having their rights stripped from them, probably isn't the thing to be mad about, from a historical perspective.

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