Friday, November 14, 2008


John McCain, Barack Obama To Meet Monday
"On Monday, President-elect Barack Obama and Senator John McCain will meet in Chicago at transition headquarters. It's well known that they share an important belief that Americans want and deserve a more effective and efficient government, and will discuss ways to work together to make that a reality. They will be joined in the meeting by Senator Lindsey Graham and Congressman Rahm Emanuel."
Honestly, what are they going to talk about? Just BS about the campaign? Maybe Obama will just complain about how looking at all the work he has to do he's not really sure he wants to be President anymore, just to see if he can make Lindsay Graham cry. Maybe Rahm will kill John's pet Lindsay as a warning not to fuck around in the next congress. PE Obama going to gloat a little, threaten to beat his ass again in that Chambliss/Martin runoff just for kicks? Maybe more Team of Rivals jerking off. Obama makes Mac Diddy Secretary of Naps or Veterans Exploitation or Skin Care...if he can raise his hands above his head that is. Meanwhile Johnny can apologize for loosing Palin on an unsuspecting country, totally promising to tell her that the election is over (so she can stop flogging the Ayers thing) and snag a real post.

Oh right, "working together". I buy that. McCain will totally break with his party on filibusters and things like that to pass the Obama agenda. Remember all that talk about socialism? McCain secretly loves it. He's in the tank now. Obama beat him until McCain loved him. Team of Rivals.

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