Monday, November 24, 2008

It's all your fault, int4rwebz

Fallout from Abraham Biggs' suicide-on-webcam last week has officially jumped the shark. Not only are the authorities looking into prosecuting the for hosting 12 hours of footage depicting young Biggs eating benzodiazepine capsules like tic tacs, the father is now getting in on the action:
Biggs' father told The Associated Press that he believes his son's post was a cry for help and that he is appalled that no one responded before it was too late.
That's right. Your obviously depressed college-aged son, having been prescribed a pharmacy-sized cocktail of antidepressants, commits public suicide and your first course of action is to assail everyone who popped in to egg him on, beg him to stop, or just watch the show. All class, man. All class.

Any chance we can persuade the state to take any remaining Briggs children off of this fucking ingrate's hands?

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