Monday, March 1, 2010

The Empire

What is this? Is it merely a look at the cupola window that NASA installed on the International Space Station so that astronauts could better gawk and gander at the earth below? Or is it merely evidence that we hold in our possession a Sienar Fleet Systems modified TIE Advanced Starfighter AS FLOWN BY DARTH VADER HIMSELF!?

I say yes. The ISS has been made into a TIE Fighter in fitting with NASA's goals of fashioning itself into the space battle arm of our new Galactic Empire. I say we skip past a new space shuttle or rocket system and move straight on to the Imperial Star Destroyers.

Furthermore These Bastards would like to commend NASA for making actual space more like the space we remember from the sci-fi films of our youth. We know you're doing real science up there, but it doesn't really count for us unless we can make PEWPEWPEW laser sounds and whooshing starship engine sounds while we crash together toys we're at least two decades too old to be playing with.

You're up next, genetics industry. Make a wookie.

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