Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Americans are an ungrateful people

On the same day he handed over 32 million new customers to the health care and insurance industries, Barry gets hit with this new Harris poll. We, however, get to be entertained by statistical irrelevance birthed by suggestive phrasing and innuendo. Seriously, this is some amazing shit, even for an obvious push poll. According to this poll, 57% of Republicans believe that Barack Obama is a Muslim.

Sure. As evidenced by his long-standing relationship with the Trinity United Church of Christ and its campaign manager's dream of a former pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, not to mention the
extremely public retelling of his journey to Christianity.

Also found in the poll:
  • 67% of Republicans believe that Obama is a socialist.
  • 62% of Republicans believe that Fruit Punch is a gay boxer.
  • 45% of Republicans believe that Obama was "not born in the United States."
  • 77% of Republicans believe that "Lost" will sort itself out by season's end.
  • 38% of Republicans believe that Obama is "doing many things Hitler did."
  • 51% of Republicans believe that John Boehner's skin tone is natural.
  • 24% of Republicans believe that Obama "may be the antiChrist."
  • 83% of Republicans believe that Greedo shot first.
How we love you, Harris Polling. You make Louie Gohmert look like a fucking constitutional law scholar.

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