Monday, July 6, 2009


  • Does Al Franken realize that now he's a Senator in the Democratic Party using the phrase "I'm ready to get to work" constitutes the biggest joke he's told in years? Don't worry if you don't get it, Al. I'm sure either Harry Reid will explain it to you or it'll slowly dawn on you over the next few months.

  • Are we almost done with articles on Al Franken using the phrase "no joke", "getting serious", some other humor pun, or otherwise making reference to the fact that he used to be a comedian? We get it: he used to be a joke writer. No need to start off every article amazed by the fact that he didn't throw a banana cream pie or pile out of a clown car.

  • How long is Sarah Palin allowed to use the Twitter handle AKGovSarahPalin? Are ExAKGovSarahPalin and QuitterSarahPalin already taken? I just want to know which handle to follow so I won't be deprived of her 140 character wisdom.

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