Monday, July 13, 2009

Quote of the day

Senator Lindsay Graham (R-SC) illuminating for all the inherent stupidity that the Supreme Court nomination hearings have become during the last decade or so:
"Unless you have a complete meltdown, you are going to get confirmed," Graham said to the amusement of those in attendance. "And I do not think you will. The drama that is being created here is interesting."
So why even go through with this circus? Every potential nominee is so coached and rehearsed not to say so much as one controversial word or even one smidgen of a potential opinion they might have that all it basically comes down to is a massively stupid proceeding.

Especially this one. Democratic Senators throwing softballs and attacking conservative judges, Republicans trying to prove they aren't racist by telling Sotomayor they'd totally vote for her if she was a conservative Hispanic male, the two Senators who take this seriously getting specific questions knocked down with "I'm sorry I don't answer hypotheticals", protester sideshows, Patrick Leahy threatening to beat the fuck out of anyone who speaks out of turn, and endless droning discussions of her biography. Let's just stop wasting everyone's time and stop pretending like everyone in the House and Senate hasn't already made up their minds. Does anyone think anyone will concoct some ingenious question that gets her to say "I can't wait until I can get on the bench and start sticking it to whitey"? No? Go vote then.

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