Monday, July 13, 2009

Why does God always take the good ones?

N. Korea’s Leader May Have Cancer, Report Says
The North Korean leader Kim Jong-il, who suffered a stroke last August, was also found to have “life-threatening” pancreatic cancer around the same time, a South Korean cable television network reported on Monday.

The network, YTN, a cable news station, quoted unidentified Chinese and South Korean intelligence sources for the report, which was made by YTN’s correspondent in Beijing. The station did not explain how the sources obtained the sensitive medical information from North Korea, an isolated, nuclear-armed state that has kept details of its leader’s health a closely guarded secret.
First Michael Jackson and now Kimbo. Why is God this cruel? He had so many underground bombs left to set off, missiles to fire into the waters off Japan, people to starve, money to hoard, paintings of himself to unveil, and goose stepping soldier marches to preside over. Now, it seems, the Dealmaker is taking one last trip down life's waterslide. Life just isn't fair.

You know, if this whole thing is true. I mean they did use the "may have" caveat. I don't want to call into question the intelligence capacities of either the Chinese, South Korean, Japanese, or US intel services, but didn't they already tell us Kim Jong-Il was crippled by a stroke, that is he would have been if he hadn't died of diabetes and been replaced by a double years earlier? You know this is just like all those times Castro got cancer, died, and was replaced by a double. Hey, maybe it's the double that has the cancer. Ouch. First you look like Kim Jong-Il, then you have to live in North Korea and run it in an appropriately crazy manner, then you get cancer. But I'm sure that this time the reports are accurate.

Fare thee well sweet prince. Something, something, rainbow bridge, Valhalla, Jesus, eternal slumber. We'll try not to sneak CIA operatives over the border to piss on your grave.

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