Christ, I thought I was going to have to wait forever for the fringe religious right-wing to get sufficiently livid over Sonia "Empathy" Sotomayor and her liberal agenda. I guess they were busy watching that Iran business and praying that it would trigger The End Times. That left only Newt and Rush to froth at the mouth and yell "racist!" Ah well, they've shown up to the party now, a little late, but arms full of crazy dip and irrational chips.
The picture, where the prospective SC Justice is conflated with Skeletor and a battle damaged T-800 Terminator, is a flyer for Randall Terry's 12 city "Someone Filibuster This Bitch" Tour. Terry, of course, is the man that not only refused to even intimate that George Tiller's murder was somewhat wrong, but once called for the murder of an abortion doctor on the radio....and it happened two days later. So he's a real peach.
The hope is that by holding rallies that are more sparsely attended than those teabagger parties Terry and his righteous flock will somehow be able to force Sam Brownback (seriously) to attempt a filibuster on Sotomayor....even though she most assuredly has more than 60 votes on her side. Plus, as a side bonus, maybe they can also get some violence incited against some abortion doctors and women who display their ankles in public.
The tour involves stops at various senator's states where they will plead with the senator's to filibuster this baby eater. It even involves a tour to various PA bishops in an attempt to get them to stop giving communion to Senator Casey, before the final protests at the Sotomayor hearings. Good luck with all this fruitless preaching to the choir. I think you would have had more luck screaming "racist" or "reverse racist" with Rush. I just hope the media coverage of you also includes a recording of your plaintive cries of anguish when the new liberal menace is confirmed overwhelmingly.
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