Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Putin is President forever

Vladimir Putin, oh how we love you. Currently sentenced to a term as Prime Minister and Shadow President because of the stupid Constitutional term limits of Russia is chafing at the lack of spotlight and important summits with his name on a placard. Thankfully Russia decided to remedy the problem. They've decided to change the Constitution.
Russia's President Dmitry Medvedev signed a law extending presidential terms from four years to six on Tuesday in a move seen as paving the way for Vladimir Putin's return to the presidency.

Medvedev's final endorsement of the legislation follows its quick approval by the Kremlin-controlled parliament and all of Russia's 83 provincial legislatures. The change won't apply to Medvedev's current term, due to end in 2012.

Putin was barred constitutionally from seeking a third straight term as president. He tapped Medvedev, his longtime protege, as his favored successor, ensuring a landslide victory in a March election.

Putin then became prime minister and leader of the United Russia party, which dominates the parliament.
Why does Putin want the Presidency back, is his human meat puppet not doing his bidding? Apparently yes. Putin fears an assertive President that isn't himself and Medvedev has decided the hand up his ass is chafing. So Putin pushes for a loophole that can give him another term and Medvedev has decided that with the recent economic crisis that Putin will get blamed, lose popularity, and Medvedev can be a real President with extra terms. Sounds like the plans of a man about to be poisoned by Polonium and lose a rigged election to Vladdy.

I hear we're going to put in a similar law, only pertaining specifically to a third term for Bush. Not to let him govern again, but just to be mean and fuck with him, make him think he'll have a shot to fix everything. In any case, if you were worrying, don't. Tiger owning, Georgia smashing, Wasilla menacing, shirtless demi-God Vladimir Putin is President forever.

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