Monday, August 3, 2009

Cheap Blogging Crutch 08.03

GE's silencing of Olbermann and MSNBC's sleazy use of Richard Wolffe
Glenn Greenwald on a story on how Jeffrey Immelt and Rupert Murdoch got together to decide that they should explicitly interfere with their news organizations for the purpose of protecting the corporate interests of their parent companies. Also: on using corporate lobbyists and advisers as "political analysts". Remind me again, why is the news industry dying and dragging us down with it?

Ahmadinejad’s Opponents Snub Election Ceremony
Talk about poor losers. Strike that, they actually did win. But still, can't the crybabies who had their election invalidated by a religious ruling council suck it up and go take a gander at the death of any notion of democracy they thought their country had? It is a rare opportunity to trainwreck gawk.

Land of Lincoln
Say happy 100th birthday to the penny! A useless, near valueless object of alleged legal tender that costs more to make than it is actually worth. Plus it just unjustly fuels the ego of Ghost Lincoln and is still a brutal reminder to all the surviving Confederate soldiers and the subjugation of states rights during the War of Northern Aggression. The penny: may we be rid of it soon.

Welcome to Svalbard, Here’s Your Bird-Defense Stick

A heart warming story of science, seed collecting, doomsday, blogging, smashing the fuck out of devil birds with a wood plank, menacing polar bears, Norway, and travelogue information should you decide to lose your mind and visit the Earth's northernmost settlement.

Scientists Drill a Mile Into Active Deep Sea Fault Zone
Why would they do such a thing? Certainly not to control the world's earthquakes. And if you believe anything to the contrary a bald, scarred man in a silver jumpsuit will be by later to slowly dip you into a pit of acid. The cover story is that they're allegedly trying to radically advance the understanding and gathering seismic data. They also had a mile long drill sitting around and really felt the need to use it for something.

Restart of Large Hadron Collider now November

Oh for fucks sake, will you nerds just murder God and suck us all into a swirling black vortex of death already? The project has been delayed as they have had to deal with helium leaks at their combination absolute zero cooling & birthday balloon station. Some goddamned idiot also misplaced a pallet full of particles, setting work back another week. Re-start in November, no work until December? How long is the world supposed to belay their excitement over particles colliding?

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