Thursday, August 13, 2009

Cheap Blogging Crutch 08.13

'Walking Dead' strolls to AMC
Robert Kirkman's zombie comic The Walking Dead. Weekly series on AMC, network of Mad Men and Breaking Bad. Written and directed by Frank Darabont. Woo, and might I add, hoo. You're all lucky Blogspot can't audibly transmit the sound of a boner happening, otherwise you'd be hearing it now.

Sadly this nation's greatest chance to pay for the privilege of gawking at an absolute trainwreck, a $45 million Spider-Man musical written by U2, has fallen by the wayside as show runners realized the stupidity of their idea and the fact that this show would in no way be profitable. I will say this doesn't bode well for the $50 million dollar musical Sean and I wrote about the Thundercats.

Jim Cramer's Housing Bottom Call Revisited (VIDEO)
Miss that happy feeling you used to get when you got to see Jim Cramer on the TV getting his testicles stolen by John Stewart or generally just apologizing for being an awful financial guru? Don't worry, he's still out there making terrible predictions about the housing market. Go point and laugh, my children.

Death Panels
Joe Klein of Time Magazine takes on the asinine "death panel" nonsense the debate on health care has turned into. He does it by explaining what the provision that Sarah Palin and her inbred ilk are distorting actually says and by providing a personal example of the usefulness of such a program. It of course won't get covered as much as Senator Grassley smearing himself in his own excrement and yelling about how a man from the government buried his grandmother alive to save a nickel for his socialist masters.

Fox News gets okay to misinform public, court ruling
We all knew deep down in our hearts that this was true, but it's nice to finally have the courts officially rule on it. It is in fact perfectly legal to lie and use your airwaves as a promotional vehicle for those lies even as you are touting yourself as a news program or news network. Whew! Fox dodged a bullet there. Can you imagine what that place would be like if Hannity or Beck had to tell the truth? Ah well, consider this a favor from the courts to the Especially Gruesome Suicide Clean-up Division of the NYPD.

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