According to a study published by Media Matters, Fox News is putting on health care opponents six times as much as health care supporters. My God, next you'll be telling me that they have multiple shows hosted by deranged right wing pundits who traffic in deluded conspiracy theories, fear mongering, lies, rabble rousing, and unseemly aardvark affections.
All I can say to this dramatic revelations is....really? Only 6 to 1? It isn't more? Because really, when you turn on Fox News it doesn't look like they would even put on one person who supported health care reform. I guess that's just because every show on Fox News where these 63 guests have talked on is hosted by a talking head who is also against the creeping grandma murdering death of Obama's socialist health care wasteland. I'd really like to see a "minutes spent attacking health care reform vs. minutes spent defending health care reform" graph. I can already imagine it: one number bar dwarfing another, the way the Sears Tower dwarfs an ant.
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