Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Quote of the day

Don't take my word for it that going with a co-op plan over a public insurance option isn't really going to do anything to stem costs, I'm just a blogger/international demolitions expert. Maybe you should take the word of a guy like North Dakota Senator Kent Conrad. Who's he? Only the guy who designed the co-op plan:
ROBERTS: What would they do to reduce costs? Because that is one of the central issues of health care reform.

CONRAD: Well, the important thing is they’d provide more competition. … Beyond that, I think it’s very important not to over-promise here. [...]

ROBERTS: So nothing really in driving down the costs of service then?

CONRAD: Uhhh, no.
Well then, it's no wonder it seemingly pushed a public plan out of the picture. I mean it's not like dealing with health care costs was an important thing.

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