Sunday, January 11, 2009

Saturday Sunday News Hole

Katrina's Hidden Race War
Just in case you were starting get warm and fuzzy nostalgic feelings about Hurricane Katrina, the Nation and A.C. Thompson swoops in to disabuse you of any such notions. How does roving gangs of whites murdering black people sound? How does no one being prosecuted sound? Well there at least might be some change on that second front. Because of the Nation's reporting the NOPD is at least going to put forth a sham investigation, claiming that they had never ever heard of this before the Nation report. An additional story here, and a documentary on the events here.

Going Green For Beer
Aside from making us a nation of car drivers and defacto air cattle, our dumb transportation policy and lax rail system in this country makes alcohol more destructive then 1,000 atomic bombs. OK, not really, but our shitty system of public transportation makes driving the most likely option and increases the risk and frequency of drunk driving. So remember, you just don't want better mass transit because of the environment, you want it because it'll give you more options when you try to drown your pain in alcohol every day Friday night. Though one of the downsides of having an improved rail system? Losing the look of terror on a Europeans face when you tell them how long it will take to get anywhere in this country by train.

Mule Credited With Saving Woman From Fire

Odds that this happened in the south? 1-1. What this story fails to note is that the mule set this fire and was laughing at the destruction it caused, not waking it's owners. We've been at war with pyromaniac animals since that cow that started the Chicago fire, the gaggle of geese that torched London, and that Christian horse that burnt Rome and spread rumors about Nero fiddling during the blaze. Animals: not to be trusted.

Obama Continuing Fight To Keep Blackberry

The first major fight of the Obama Presidency isn't going to be over gays in the military, the stimulus, or forced abortions for all, it'll be over his beloved Crackberry. He thinks he needs it to keep in touch with outside opinions and get information faster, others note that it is one of the least secure devices ever and can be hacked by the Chinese in a hot minute. Maybe they need to make that point a little louder to Barry. Put it away Mr. President, tell Larry Summers you LOL'd over his last chain e-mail in person.

Obama's Presidential Limo Will Be a 'Rolling Tank With Windows'
Just try shooting at our new President with your fancy rocket launchers and pimped out German surplus Panzers. No really, the Secret Service is daring you to. Five inch think windows, 19.5 inch thick tires (rollin on 20's), a locking mechanism that locks the car down like a bank vault, tractor trailer frame, steel reinforced plating in door gaps, a 10 CD changer, flame retardant dice, machine guns behind the headlights, and a retractable cow catcher for plowing through unruly mobs. The President knows how to roll, get the fuck out his way lest his roving Presi-tank grinds your bones under its wheels.

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