Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Ken Blackwell has his priorities straight

Former Ohio Secretary of State and RNC Chairman Candidate Ken Blackwell has decided to take to the streets to drum up some good old fashioned grass roots opposition to President's Obama's proposed stimulus plan. Not only is Kenny afraid of the looming specter of Big Government (but not Big Unemployment or Big Soup Line) he's afraid of another, far more insidious repercussion: the stimulus working and making Democrats popular.
While only a few details are known, one overlooked issue is that it could create a major electoral advantage for Democrats at taxpayer expense. That would be unacceptable for what is being touted as a nonpartisan measure, and gives Republicans yet another reason to oppose it if not restructured. […]

But most federal employees, that are not political appointees, vote Democrat. Since Washington, DC is the seat of government, whenever new federal bureaucrats are created many live in Maryland and Virginia. In 2008, Virginia went Democrat for the first time since 1964, and Mr. Obama won it by 130,000 votes. Creating 600,000 new jobs might help cement Virginia in the Democrat column, making it harder for Republicans to retake the White House.
You fucking Democrats with your job creation plans and economic recovery packages! How dare you try and recover some of the couple million jobs that were lost last year and reverse the trends that show even bigger job losses this year. Have you no shame?

Keep in mind that Obama's stimulus plan only creates 240,000 government jobs, or around a third of what Blackwell claims, or that it also creates 700,000 jobs in mining and construction among others. Ken Blackwell thinks that we need to stand in the way of that just in case a competent and successful economic policy makes people like the opposition party. Yeah, I'm not sure this line of attack on the stimulus will gain any real traction with the people. "Sure I'm jobless and defaulting on my mortgage, but this attempt to help me out and fix this economy seems like it might make be appreciate a political party. Fuck that! Honey, get the kids, we're eating at the soup kitchen again."

I'd like to think that the crippling losses in the last two elections, as well as the general unpopularity of the Republican party and the state of the country after their streak of leadership had taught the GOP something. It didn't. Partisan politics always supersedes national interest. The problem is that there is a case to be made that Obama's stimulus plan has problems. It probably isn't big enough. But try arguing that and keeping your testicles from being cut off in the Republican party. DEMOCRATS BAD will have to do.

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