Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Quote of the day: Huckabee on "...and one in the stink"

On his Fox News talk show, HUCK!, Mike Huckabee hosted intellectual debutante Ann Coulter, out trying to flog some new book about the liberal conspiracy to rape your kids and how all black people and single mothers are conspiring to commit crimes and squirt out criminal stripper children. During the 'discussion' Coulter attacked the Huckster on what she perceived as his staggering lack of all consuming gay hate. Huck stopped and took time to reminded her that he ain't no fag.
HUCKABEE: I am not, as you characterized me in one article, pro-gay, pro-sodomy. That is so not me.

COULTER: Yes, there was a Supreme Court decision. You said you agreed or disagreed with. Yes, I got you on that Mike Huckabee.

HUCKABEE: Nope. You didn’t. I am definitely not pro-sodomy. I promise, scout’s honor.
So ladies, a word of warning. If you're letting Mike Huckabee lay pipe in your lady business, don't you dare try to slip a finger in his nether regions. He doesn't care for it or all gay people. Now you know how to avoid that embarrassing faux pas. You're welcome.

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