Sunday, January 4, 2009

Things you need to know

You can watch Darren Aronofsky's submission for the Most Depressing Movie Ever Awards, 2000's Requiem For A Dream, on Hulu. That is if you don't mind "ass to ass", Jared Leto's arm getting sawed off in prison, nude Marlon Wayans, and all the fucked up shit in that movie being broken up by ads for debt consolidation, getting kids interested in the arts, the Honda Civic, and Go-Gurt. I'm sure all these companies are glad to have paid for promotional consideration to get their ads inserted every 20 minutes into a bleak film about addiction. Especially the 'getting kids interested in the arts' people.

Also available: Howard the Duck, Gattaca, and Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie. Enjoy.

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