Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Your 2008 wedge issue: Abortion

Just in case you were wondering what this year's wedge issue, designed to make you hate a candidate you've never met and irrationally vote against your interests, has been decided: it's abortion! Get back on the bench gays and terrorism, the classic gets its day back in the sun.

How do I know? Well let us count the ways. The Democrats actually mentioned it at a convention. The Republicans changed their public platform to state that abortion should be illegal with no exceptions. The fact that Palin's choice to have a Down's Syndrome baby and now her daughters "choice" to have her baby are constantly referenced to an inappropriate degree, along with the phrase "She lives her beliefs". Never mind that they want to outlaw any possibility of a choice, but there we are. Then there's the fact that Democrats used the abortion issue to attack Palin in the day or two before she started melting down on her own. The Republicans are going around saying Barack Obama wants to allow abortions at 8 months an 29 days, or that alternately he's for killing newborns. Check Fred Thompson's speech, he said it. Oh and both sides are running abortion themed attack ads on the radio. Obama's is bought and paid for and running in seven states.

So there you have it, the issue with which you are supposed to shut you brain off for, hate your fellow man for, and entirely base your vote around. Enjoy the cultured and civilized debate that is sure to follow.

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