Monday, September 29, 2008

Palin and the Jesus Horse

SCIENCE FACT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Palin Claimed Dinosaurs And People Coexisted
Soon after Sarah Palin was elected mayor of the foothill town of Wasilla, Alaska, she startled a local music teacher by insisting in casual conversation that men and dinosaurs coexisted on an Earth created 6,000 years ago -- about 65 million years after scientists say most dinosaurs became extinct -- the teacher said.
Palin told him that "dinosaurs and humans walked the Earth at the same time," Munger said. When he asked her about prehistoric fossils and tracks dating back millions of years, Palin said "she had seen pictures of human footprints inside the tracks," recalled Munger, who teaches music at the University of Alaska in Anchorage and has regularly criticized Palin in recent years on his liberal political blog, called Progressive Alaska.
This woman is the gift that keeps on giving. She believes the Flintstones was a documentary because she saw a picture of two footprints once. She never thought beyond the two footprints or any other scientific explanation, she just rightfully assumed that it meant that humans and dinos lived together and that pelicans can be used to mix cement.

She believes carbon dating is bullshit and would just rather add up ages in the bible. What we need to know is if she thinks fossils are just God burying bones in an attempt to separate the believers from the science-heads or the devil burying bones in an attempt to trick us. Where she comes down on the important trickster God/Devil bone burying controversy will determine my vote. Matt Damon got his question answered, Palin thinks Judea had raptor races.

And she can see Russia from her house.

1 comment:

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