Thursday, September 25, 2008

One man debate is a go

Well what are we gonna do if John McCain skips out on tomorrows debate so he can pretend he's fixing the economy with spit, duct tape, angry screams at the front page of the Wall Street Journal, and a printing run of John McCain funbucks to serve as our new monetary system? Apparently Obama's going to show up, turn it into a townhall (which will really chap McCain's "I had to lie about Barack because he wouldn't do my town halls" ass), and take questions from the audience and Jim Lehrer for three hours on national TV.
Barack Obama is committed to hosting a public, televised event Friday night in Mississippi even if John McCain does not show up, an official close to the Obama campaign tells the Huffington Post.

In McCain's absence, the Senator is willing to make the scheduled debate a townhall meeting, a one-on-one interview with NewsHour's Jim Lehrer, or the combination of the two, the official said.
Meanwhile, Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour said on Thursday that he expected the debate to go forward as planned.
Ball is in your court John. Do you pretend to be helping when guys like Chuck Schumer, Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, and Harry Reid are teabagging you hourly on the fact that you have no idea what you are talking about and are serving no function in the negotiations? Or do you tuck your tail between your legs, slink off to Ole Miss and get your spanking from a man who outmaneuvered you yet again.

Of course it's not exactly hard to outthink a campaign of shrieking nancies constantly screaming "OH FUCK, LOOK AT THE POLLS! WE GOTTA DO SOMETHING DRASTIC! QUICK, SHOOT ME IN THE FOOT!" I mean you just gotta sit there, jaw agape, and try not to take too much pleasure in the old man limping around on a bleeding stump, telling everyone that they're biased for pointing out the lower part of his leg has been shot off.

Is McCain even in Washington yet?

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