Monday, December 21, 2009

Chart of the day

From Jonathan Cohn of Kaiser Health News/the New Republic and MIT economist Jonathan Gruber, comes a look at how the "soon to be passed before moving on to another tedious and infuriating conference committee negotiation" Senate health care bill actually affects peoples lives and health care costs. The verdict? Pretty good. An improvement. But not as good as things could have been ... FUCKINGJOEIEBERMANANDTHEFUCKINGWHITEFUCKINGHOUSE!!!!!

Excuse me. So whenever the rage boils up inside you, just look at the chart and say to yourself "Alright, they actually did something of some discernible value." Jsut don't think what could have been passed if anyone in the White House or Democratic leadership had pushed harder (or at all) or what could have been passed if our government was actually committed to considering real ways to reform health care in this country. That way lies madness.

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