Wednesday, September 2, 2009

2012: Now you know how it all will end

You want to know why the Mayans thought the world would end in 2012? Because they foresaw a future in which people would be dumb enough to not only think stuff like this, but also publish it in a widely read and respected newspaper:
At first, it seemed like a joke. Wall Street Journal columnist James Taranto opined on Monday that -- if the 2012 election were to turn to national security -- "it's hard to think of a better candidate... than Richard B. Cheney."
"The Republican Party needs to move forward and build on its past, not return to it," Alex Castellanos, a frequent CNN analyst and GOP messaging guru, told the Huffington Post via email. "But if the agenda turns to security, Obama is mired in a no-win mess in Afghanistan, and the Obama administration hasn't created a single job in four years after indebting the nation for generations, maybe Dick Cheney could run on a theme of 'Change'."
That's it. Cue the meteors from the skies, Skynet setting off the nukes and releasing the terminators, Hell overflowing with the damned, the dolphins leaving the earth,and whatever other horrors the Mayans foresaw. The only question is whether Cheney's third term would be the event that kicks the apocalypse off or merely the seventh and final trumpet blast. Here's hoping we'll find out soon if Dick wants the planet to flirt with apocalypse. I have my fingers crossed for a yes.

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