Friday, September 25, 2009

Bill Kristol finds new purpose in his life

Hey, what's the thing you most wanted to hear in the news this morning? Police exhaust world's supply of pepper spray on puppet wielding protester? Cast of Transformers 2 dead in tragic meteor strike? Neoconservatives have 4 hour plus boner, need to consult doctor after Obama and Iran reveal existence of secret nuclear facility? Sorry, only the third one happened.
President Obama and leaders of Britain and France accused Iran on Friday of building a secret underground plant to manufacture nuclear fuel, saying the country has hidden the covert operation from international weapons inspectors for years.

Appearing before reporters in Pittsburgh, Mr. Obama said that the Iranian nuclear program “represents a direct challenge to the basic foundation of the nonproliferation regime.” President Nicholas Sarkozy of France, appearing beside Mr. Obama, said that Iran had a deadline of two months to comply with international demands or face increased sanctions.
American officials said that they had been tracking the covert project for years, but that Mr. Obama decided to disclose the American findings after Iran discovered, in recent weeks, that Western intelligence agencies had breached the secrecy surrounding the complex. On Monday, Iran wrote a brief, cryptic letter to the International Atomic Energy Agency, saying that it now had a “pilot plant” under construction, whose existence it had never before revealed.
Well that's the way you always want to reveal things, with cryptic letters. Maybe a short text message. I'm sure it was just an accident that they never revealed the existence of this "pilot plant" before this week. I mean they were so busy rigging an election, coming up with new Holocaust denials, and suppressing protests that they probably didn't have time. What's Farsi for "my bad"?

But this is good. This country needed a good, honest media debate about whether to nuke Iran into parking lot status or to bomb them back into the stone age and then invade. I'm sure all the people who were tragically wrong every step of the way about Iraq will be brought back and treated as "serious people" with "serious opinions" about the war boner they have and the need to quench their lust with another Middle East conflict. The people who were right about Iraq or display any skepticism towards a new war with Iran will of course be treated like the fringe lunatics that they are. This is good, because we don't have enough going on right now. Ah well, hope you're all prepared for the stupid.

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