Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Don Draper gets his shit wrecked

It's the fiftieth anniversary of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety and they're not content just to sit and bask in their reputation as an invaluable and impartial agency that has dramatically helped improve the safety of cars. No, they need to celebrate their 50th in the only way they know how: by taking a new car and smashing it into an old car. The cars? A 1959 Chevrolet Bel Air and a 2009 Chevrolet Malibu. The verdict? You'd probably be better letting the Malibu hit you while you walked on a crosswalk wearing full hockey pads than straight on in the Bel Air. Still, the Bel Air looks waaay cooler. So it's a trade-off.

That still leaves one remaining problem I have. It's 2009, we should be smashing a 1959 Bel Air into a 2009 Fusion Powered Hover Malibu. Let's go Detroit, crumple zones aren't the future car designers imagined in 1959.

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