Thursday, June 4, 2009

Quote of the day

Republican House member Todd Akin of Missouruh starts his Science Lecture '09 series early with a warning against liberal plots to end seasons.
AKIN: This whole thing strikes me, if it weren’t so serious, as being a comedy, you know. I mean, we just went from winter to spring. In Missouri when we go from winter to spring, that’s a good climate change. I don’t want to stop that climate change you know. Who in the world want to put politicians in charge of the weather anyways? What a dumb idea.
For the Coup de grace he laid out the crack science squad he's put together for the expressed purpose of stopping Nancy Pelosi from eradicating Autumn.
We’ve been joined by another doctor, a medical doctor but also a guy who graduated from high school science as well, from Georgia, my good friend, Congressman Gingrey. … So to have actually a guy who’s passed high school science is tremendously helpful.
A guy who passed high school science in Georgia. Take that scientists, what with your fancy doctorates and Bunsen burners. I bet you didn't even go to school in Georgia!

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