Friday, June 12, 2009

Fox News: Asking the important questions

From a Fox News poll released yesterday. They want to know whether you think Obama went cold turkey or if he's sneaking cigs in between crushingly depressing briefings on the economy. Why? Who the fuck knows. But look at the breakdowns: the amount who think he still smokes breaks evenly across party lines, but Democrats are 10 more likely to not only have an opinion on his smoking but also believe he quit. But America as a whole is nearly equally divided into thirds: Those who think he's a liar, a quitter, and those who can't believe they paused from their job search/uncontrollable weeping to answer this poll question.

This on the heels of yesterday's historic anti-smoking bill which not only gives the FDA regulatory power over the cigarette industry, but immediately brands anyone who thinks about smoking as a thought criminal, and forces smokers who are caught smoking outside of designated Smoking Freedom Zones to wear a red patch in the shape of Joe Camel. Has Obama sold out his own people (smokers not blacks)? Or is he just sentencing himself to the same fate as other smokers? Surely we need Fox News to do a poll on what citizens reckon he did. We need to know.

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