Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Stay classy, Palin supporters

I guess I shouldn't be too surprised. I mean these are people (15 of them) who are emotionally, ethically, and morally inspired by Sarah Palin. I mean they didn't even bat an eye when someone who charged rape victims for their rape kits took up the charge for oppressed women everywhere on the basis of David Letterman becoming the 1 millionth comedian to make a "Bristol Palin got knocked up" joke. So I guess it isn't surprising that they'd not comport themselves with the utmost class during their widely covered (3 media members for every protester) Letterman protest.
"Should we talk about his son? I believe his son was born out of wedlock. I believe there's a term for that."

"Is someone making jokes about his child? Especially, you know, when he had a daughter out of wedlock himself"

"How dare he? When he has a bastard son, and a slut for a wife"

“He will rape you with his mouth.”

"Close the borders!"

"I only watch Fox News!"
Yes, those last three were actual quotes from the protest. It's nice to know that while protesting a joke, they still have the time to rail on immigrants in between un-ironically commenting on the bastard status of Letterman's kid and decrying his wife as a slut. And then there's that mouth rape comment......yeah. Isn't that all the stuff they're mad at Letterman for doing?

Stay classy. Maybe you can get 16 people to show up for the next protest.

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