Thursday, June 11, 2009

Quote of the day

John de Nugent on trying to distance his sector of the white supremacist movement from that of James von Brunn, the man who shot up the Holocaust Museum yesterday.
De Nugent called von Brunn a genius but described the shooting as the act of “a loner and a hothead.”

“The responsible white separatist community condemns this,” he said. “It makes us look bad.”
I'm not one to quibble with the accuracy of that statement as, yes, shooting up a Holocaust Museum, or really any museum or just any place in general, makes white supremacists look bad. But what exactly are the things that make white supremacists look good? I'm going to need that pointed out for me. Maybe they're running some sort of after school reading program for disadvantaged white kids or maybe some sort of free day care where they entertain children with hand puppet renditions of the Turner Diaries. But otherwise I'm pretty sure that nothing the white power/neo-nazi/fascist movement does makes them look particularly good.

One thing though, after this shooting, the Tiller murder, and the Unitarian Church shooting, the shotting of Pittsburgh policemen, not to mention the Oklahoma City bombings, Montana Freemen, and Waco incidents of the 90's, isn't time to start taking that DHS report on right-wing terrorism a little more seriously? I'd certainly be better than denouncing it as nonsense and as liberal fascism against decent Americans, like what happened when word broke of the report. Just a thought.

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