Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Cheney Hate Triad

That son of a bitch popped his head up and started talking again yesterday. Naturally, as he can't seem to ever stop talking, there are numerous fallacies, straw men, and lies to go over. Even the thes and ands are false. Let's hit on a couple of noteworthy parts of his remarks.
"On the question of whether or not Iraq was involved in 9-11, there was never any evidence to prove that," he told the "On The Record" host in a joint interview with his daughter Liz. "There was "some reporting early on ... but that was never borne out," Cheney said.
You know,that would have been a nice thing to mention when you were mentioning there was solid evidence to prove Iraq and al-Qaeda were working together. That "reporting early on" was you. What tipped you off? Was it the complete lack of evidence or the fact that you spent all that time waterboarding prisoners to find out what the connection was and they never gave you anything good? Thanks for finally coming to the conclusion six years, two wars, thousands of lives, and a couple hundred billion dollars later.

At least he's finally dealing with 9/11 and criticism towards the Bush Administration like an adult.
CHENEY: You know, Dick Clarke. Dick Clarke, who was the head of the counterrorism program in the run-up to 9/11. He obviously missed it. The fact is that we did what we felt we had to do, and if I had to do it all over again, I would do exactly the same thing.
That's right, he's blaming Richard Clarke for 9/11. That's the same Richard Clarke who was trying to convince them to focus on terrorism while they were focused on missile defense. The same Richard Clarke who couldn't get a meeting with the Bush Administration. The same Richard Clarke who sent countless memos and e-mails to Cheney and guys like Cheney with titles like “Bin Laden and Associates Making Near-Term Threats”. The same Clarke whose 2000-01 terrorism plan languished inside the Bush bureaucracy. The same 9/11 that happened 8 months into the Bush Administration's reign. Clearly Richard Clarke's fault and not the guys who wouldn't listen to him.

Then there's this odious little comment.
Asked if “some form of legalized marriage” was “inevitable in the United States,” Cheney said that “freedom means freedom for everyone.” “I think people ought to be free to enter into any kind of union they wish,” said Cheney, adding that believes marriage should be regulated at the state level.
See...wait. He just said something I agreed with. Getting dizzy...head spinning....world collapsing....urge to vomit increasing....

There. Recomposed myself. This raises an important question: If Dick Cheney supports gay marriage, is there a chance that it might be as morally ruinous as Christian Fundamentalists claim? I think we have to consider that possibility now. Though frankly, this would have been a nice thing to say during those eight years when you were running things and your party was making big hay out of demonizing gay marriage. I guess you were too busy violating the Constitution to notice. Isn't that always the way it happens?

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