Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The awkward segues of George W. Bush: Gustav edition

From the Bush Gustav briefing, our boy king transitions from disaster efforts to mewing for offshore drilling
It's not too early, however, for the federal government to continue to coordinate with state and local people. That's why Secretary Bodman was in touch with Governor Jindal. We want to make sure that we're in touch with these energy-producing states, to help assess what took place and what needs to happen.

One thing is for certain: When Congress comes back, they've got to understand that we need more domestic energy, not less; that -- and one place to find it is offshore America, lands that have been taken off the books, so to speak, by congressional law. And now they need to give us a chance to find more oil and gas here at home. I'd much rather American consumers be buying gasoline produced from American oil than from foreign oil. I'd rather our dollar stay at home than go overseas.

And I know the Congress has been on recess for a while, but this issue hasn't gone away. And this storm should not cause the members of Congress to say, well, we don't need to address our energy independence; it ought to cause the Congress to step up their need to address our dependence on foreign oil. And one place to do so is to give us a chance to explore in environmentally friendly ways on the Outer Continental Shelf.
Thanks George for talking about the issue that was on no ones mind today. We don't need to hear about Gustav relief, you probably have no idea what the fuck is going on anyway, what we need is your poorly inserted harangue about offshore drilling. Because that's what everyone is concerned about, not planning and execution, but whether or not Gustav took away too much focus from enriching your oil buddies.

I can't wait for your speech tonight. I just want to see all the bizarre ways you can segue into drilling and partisan attacks from inappropriate topics. Maybe from the Little League World Series into 9/11, the beauty of a summers day into torture and interrogation, lovely kittens to offshore drilling, that shiny object that keeps distracting you to offshore drilling, offshore drilling to offshore drilling. Make sure to mention John McCain wants to continue all your policies, he's down and I don't think he's been kicked enough.

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