Sunday, August 24, 2008

Obama/Petraeus '08

I must confess I don't fully understand the mind of the 'elected Republican' or warmongerus republicanus. Sure I didn't expect praise of Joe Biden from their end, hell I'm not praising it that much other than for the Howlin' Mad Murphy "Zing of the Day" quality he'll bring. So the cries that he didn't sufficiently blow Obama hard enough during the primary and once upon a time referred to McCain without cursing were expected. To some extent so was McCain's bizarre "Shoulda Picked Hillary" ad which appeals to all the bitter PUMA's that he hopes will ignore his horrid record on women's issues (no equal pay, all your uterus belong to us, pro free boner pills against free contraception, voted to gut family and medical leave, etc...) and his general right wingedness to vote for him based on pure Obama spite. It's Obama's fault for having the nerve to win.

Bridge collapsing evangelical, Minnesota Governor, and McCain VP hopeful Tim Pawlenty decided to go in another direction. Oh sure he hit on the "Biden is a political insider" thing, which is interesting considering the man he's stumping for, but he went for the gusto: he criticized Obama for not picking General Petraeus as his VP. Guh? Uh, OK Tim. That's not the direction I would have gone in, but uh, yeah, uh, Obama really dropped the ball on this one. How dare he not pick the sitting commander in Iraq. It's unconscionable. Democrats hate the military or something. Tim, next time don't go of script, freelance, or 23-skidoo an answer off the top of your head. It sounds crazy and weird. Just stick to Obama is a/an elitist/tax and spend liberal/Muslim/not ready to lead/liberal liberal liberal and Joe Biden is a/an consummate insider/blowhard/McCain lover/Muslim. It'll save us all brain pain.

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