Tuesday, May 5, 2009

UK asshole list

Our former colonial masters seem to have a good handle on keeping undesirables out of their country. Instead of using their watch lists for simple stuff like known terrorists, innocent citizens, people you mistakenly tortured, and liberal senators, they've decided to expand the list to keep complete and total American assholes from crossing the pond.
Also on the list published by the Home Office is a US “shock jock” talkshow host whose views on Islam, rape and autism have stirred controversy in America.
The list includes Erich Gliebe, the leader of an American neo-Nazi group, Michael Savage (real name Michael Weiner), a radio presenter in America, Mike Guzovsky, a Jewish extremist, and Stephen “Don” Black, a former Grand Wizard in the Ku Klux Klan.

Also on the list is Fred Waldron Phelps Snr, an American Baptist pastor and his daughter, Shirley, who were barred last year for their homophobic views.

The two have picketed the funerals of Aids victims and celebrated the deaths of US soldiers as punishment for America's tolerance of homosexuality.
Michael Savage, a neo-Nazi, a Grand Wizard, and the asshole who pickets every funeral. Lovely company, Mike. The UK has listened to Savage Nation, heard his rants blaming Muslims and Mexicans for swine flu, the gay mafia, rogue homo elements in the DHS, Obama "raping America", and his apologist lines of thought on Joe McCarthy and Tim McVeigh. They decided they don't so much as want him touching their airport tarmac. I'm surprised he's the only right wing talk radio guy on it. The UK must not have been Hannitized yet.

Well up with pride America. The UK list of undesirables is filled with Hamas members, shady imams, Muslim extremists.......and Americans. The difference: the Hamas guys, imams, and extremists don't have audiences of millions and are considered in the mainstream of American political discourse. Whoops. Our bad.

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