Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Apparently Matthew and I run the country

Leave it to that feisty Lindsey Graham (R-SC) -- he still hasn't gotten over growing up a Lindsey in the South -- to redeem entirely this loose, bile-filled jumble of invective we call a blog. In response to criticisms leveled by the lefty blogosphere at Jeff Sessions, who will replace Benedict Arlen on the Senate Judiciary Committee, Senator Graham said the following:
“If people try to go down that road, it’ll blow up in their face, because Jeff is a good guy,” Graham said. “My hope is that our Democratic colleagues — if you start listening to the bloggers — if we’re going to let the bloggers run the country, then the country’s best days are behind us.”
Left-leaning blogs rightly questioned Sessions' history of, at best, racial insensitivity. Turns out Jeffrey, like most old, rich white trouser stains, doesn't like it when black people vote. After all, that tends to make it more difficult for Republicans to win.

While I understand that Graham has to lash out over the internet-based persecution of a career racist -- the good senator is, after all, from South Carolina -- little lippy Lindsey should probably turn it down a notch. Tough, I know, given that the Republican platform these days consists of equal parts wide-eyed paranoia and official GOP press releases discussing wherever the dart lands on Michelle Bachmann's Crazy Cunt board that morning.

I assure you, Senator Graham that bloggers do not, in fact, run America. If that were the case we would have long ago had you liquidated.

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