Friday, May 8, 2009

Dear GOP, listen to this man

Not content to merely have killed the Republican party for the near future, former Vice-President Dick Cheney has decided to take off his pants, dig it a deeper grave and start firing point blank shotgun blast into the corpse, cackling while he does it. Why? That's just the kind of guy he is.
"I don't believe that's true," Cheney said, when asked to respond to Obama's statement that interrogators may not have needed to resort to torture. "That assumes that we didn't try other ways, and in fact we did. We resorted, for example, to waterboarding, which is the source of much of the controversy, with only three individuals."
Attributing Obama's decision to end such policies to an attempt "to appeal to the far-left in their party," Cheney was not-surprisingly adamant that investigating these interrogation techniques was a bad idea. He also called on the White House to "do everything they can" to stop foreign governments from prosecuting the Bush hands who carried out these practices.
Calling politics cyclical, he concluded that the party did not need to go through a process of moderation.

"I think it would be a mistake for us to moderate. This is about fundamental beliefs and values and ideas...what the role of government should be in our society, and our commitment to the Constitution and constitutional principles," he said.
This man needs to never stop talking. Whenever he opens his big mouth about how waterboarding is the awesomest thing ever, you can feel public support for prosecutions grow. But it's nice to know he's at least moved his lies forward some. Instead of only ever having waterboarded three times, now we've only ever waterboarded three guys, albeit about a hundred times each. The paean not to let the dirty Spaniards ever hold him responsible was nice.

At least he has a concrete plan to get the GOP down to a political party that's only relevant in Oklahoma, Alabama, and the extra-rural parts of Appalachia. These massive electoral defeats and party defections are nothing to worry about. Moderating? That's what they need to worry about, because that would violate their Constitution based principles. "We believe the opposite of what rational people believe" is in the Preamble, right? But belief in the Constitution has been a hallmark of the GOP and Cheney over the last few years. Oh, not in any of the rights, liberties, or laws enumerated in it, but they do believe the Constitution exists. Lindsay Graham totally swears he saw a copy of it once. C'mon Dick, your boys are primed and ready to listen. Don't give them this "don't moderate" nonsense. Give them specific instructions. "Purge the nonbelievers" "Harder right" "Get me 30 pounds of raw meat". How's this party going to become the pure vessel of Dick Cheney's essence without specific instructions?

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