Monday, May 18, 2009


Take down the date and time, fellow citizens. Not only are we less enlightened about science than Bulgaria, we're now less tolerant towards gays in the military than Uruguay.
On Thursday, Uruguayan President Tabare Vazquez announced that his government will “allow gays to join the armed forces by scrapping military rules that define homosexuality as a disorder.” Vazquez explained his decision saying, “The Uruguayan government does not discriminate against citizens based on their political, ethnic or sexual identity.” Urugquay’s Deputy Defense Minister elaborated, “There were a series of rules … regarding the psycho-physical requirements (for entry into the armed forces) in which homosexuality was seen as a sexual identity disorder, and this is what is being repealed.”
Meanwhile we struggle not to laugh at the fact that Uruguay sounds like "You're a gay". Don't even get us started on the childishness associated with Paraguay, Lake Titicaca, or Homonesia.

But hey, Obama's totally on it. He'll just drag his feet for a while longer, fire a few more Arabic translators, say "oh what a shame", and then put action off onto the group of people in Congress who could be barely shaken awake when the impending collapse of the world economy was at stake. If Uruguay's military (which is what....30-40 people?) can handle the "problem" of gays wanting to join relatively easily, can't we? I thought not.

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