Monday, October 6, 2008

Teen youths love Obama and the loud music

McCain as viewed by the youth of America

According to a Gallup/USA Today/MTV poll "the kids", as we call them, love Obama somethin' fierce. Nearly 2/3rds are planning to vote Obama, with the other third voting for McCain purely in an ironic manner. They view Obama 71% to 12% as understanding the "problems of people your age" and being a "strong and decisive leader," 46% to 36%. Furthermore the view Obama as more inspiring 67% to 18% and that he "shows good judgment" 54% to 29%. Even more surprising is that if the Senate gets a divorce, nearly 48% want to live with Obama with only 12% wanting to spend Thanksgiving or Christmas at McCain's.

On the positive front for Diamond J, more kids want to read his diary over Obama's, think Palin is way more unqualified than Biden to be President, and could totally fuck up their old man in a fight. Wait, that second one was bad.

So good news abounds for Barack. Because unlike every other election, the kids are for Democrats this time. Not only that, but they're really going to turn out in large numbers this time too, like the youth vote always does. So if I were the Obama campaign I'd totally place all of my electoral prospects on large youth turnout. What could go wrong? Wait, why is John Kerry raising his hand?

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