Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The wisdom of Joe the Plumber

Well, it happened. The notoriety went to Joe's head and he decided he was a political expert who was fit to comment on the election. He decided to move from the sunny shores of "electoral diversion who will be half remembered as a punchline 2 years from now" to pundit, though truthfully he's more in common with the cranks who yell embarrassingly racist shit out at Palin/McCain rallies. Plumbfucius:
The Ohio plumber, who has no license and is actually named Samuel Wurzelbacher, spoke at a McCain campaign event in Columbus Monday. A McCain supporter asked if "a vote for Obama is a vote for the death of Israel." JTP hardly batted an eye.

"I'll go ahead and agree with you on that," Wurzelbacher said.
Of course he was on Fox News when it was said and it so flustered Shepard Smith that he had to immediately issue an apology and defend Barack Obama. On Fox. On TV.
I just want to make this 100 percent perfectly clear -- Barack Obama has said and demonstrated repeatedly that Israel will always be a friend of the United States, no matter what happens once he becomes President of the United States. His words. The rest of it -- man...some things--it just gets frightening sometimes. We'll be right back.
But hey, Joe doesn't want you to take him seriously or listen to him, which is why he takes great pains to say you shouldn't listen to him or take him seriously as he's trying to get you to listen to him and take him seriously. He's even tired of all the attention and just wants to get back to his normal life, and he's willing to tell any reporter who'll come by that exact same thing. At least he's only marginally less embarrassing a surrogate than Palin. Maybe they should just hire a cute dog to be a campaign flack. It can cover its eyes with its paw when an embarrassing question is asked, it can play dead when you ask it about Obama's tax policy, and if it doesn't understand a question it can cock its head to the side in an adorable manner.

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