Thursday, October 16, 2008

This is too good to be true

John "Old Man Yells At Cloud" McCain

This is up on three sites so I feel I had to put it up as well. According to Martin Eisenstadt, some guy who may or may not be making this up, Gawker, and the Daily Kos, which is worse than Hitler and the KKK times a million, Joe Wurzelbacher aka Joe the Plumber aka "Our New Populist Messiah", might be related to Robert Wurzelbacher........Charles Keating's son-in-law who was implicated in the Keating 5 scandal, and sentenced to 40 months in prison in 1993.

Dear God, if this is true I gotta hand it to the McCain campaign. You are already running an all-time bad campaign, but with this you could be setting a bar for incompetence that may never be outdone for decades. You are the Bob Beamon of bad politics. Somewhere in the future, on Mars outpost 314-A6-9TY there might be some meathead running for Algae and Space Pornography Commissioner as poorly as you are running for President, but I doubt it.

EDIT: Stupid reality comes in and invades my happiness with the truth. Great, now I guess I'm not supposed to believe that story of the missing hobos, shallow graves, and suspicious tasting ribs at the McCain compound.

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